This is an important stage of a child’s development as it is in line with preparations for bigger challenges upon graduation from pre-school. The children will be equipped with the necessary skills in all areas of development. Great focus is put into their emotional well-being as well as academic success. White Lodge’s nurturing environment allows each child to develop at his / her own pace.
However, at this stage it becomes important that they acquire the basic skills required for the next school placement. Thus, the children are given a PGIS (Proposed Goals for Individual Student) educational plan with age-appropriate goals set in all learning areas. The portfolios will reflect and monitor the main areas of development based on the White Lodge curriculum and Primary school requirements.
Jolly Phonics
The Jolly Phonics programme is completed with the introduction of levels four to seven. In addition to the letters of the alphabet, all forty-two main sounds of the English language are also taught.
Jolly Grammar
This is introduced as an extension to the Phonics programme. It introduces the rudiments of grammar, teaches spelling systematically, and improves vocabulary and comprehension. The Jolly workbooks, spelling books and a journal for creative writing are used to complement both these programmes.
GINN Reading
Children are introduced to levels two to four before graduating from Preschool. Keen readers are known to have completed right up to level six, which is equivalent to the reading abilities of an eight year old! At this stage, the programme incorporates speaking and listening skills, phonics, spelling skills, comprehension, prediction and additional reading. GINN workbooks are introduced at this level.
The Mathematics programme covers concepts like sorting, matching, addition, subtraction, patterning etc. as well as counting up to 100. Many hands-on and concrete learning opportunities are provided to enhance the implementation of the Math programme. Topics one to twenty-four of the Mathematics programme are completed at Preschool.
The comprehensive Mandarin curriculum that White Lodge provides is unique to White Lodge and is based on the Singapore Preschool and Primary School frameworks. The children have an extensive opportunity to increase their knowledge and proficiency of Mandarin. Their exposure to learning Mandarin is extended to reading and writing as well. Classroom activities include storytelling, singing songs, play-acting, reading programme, rhymes, writing, art projects, movement and performances. A plethora of visual aids for children to interact with are used in teaching methods giving children a varied learning experience. Listening stations are also introduced at this stage. This makes learning Mandarin a fun and interactive experience for children. Our Mandarin programme provides a great foundation for the continued learning of Mandarin as a second language. When moving to their next educational journey from White Lodge, students have great confidence in speaking and reading Mandarin.
At our schools in Malaysia, Bahasa Malaysia is offered with the main objective to prepare them for formal learning and equip them with all the basic skills required at this level and in preparation for local primary school or international school (Year 1). The children will be developing their speech and listening skills, widen their Bahasa vocabulary, learn correct sounds and tones of words, and acquire appropriate conversational language.
The Kindergarten level, children acquire scientific concepts through a systematic line of questioning, and scientific approaches. There is differentiation in the instruction as children become more independent in their experiment and research. A greater emphasis is placed on progression and differentiation. Groups of children or individuals within the small groups may undertake specific scientific enquiries or approach different levels of the same investigative tasks. This learning opportunity is further propelled by varying levels of support. Activities are planned so that children progress through the specific scientific skills and concepts.
Pre-Primary Preparation Programme
A special Pre-Primary Preparation programme is put in place from July to December each year for all students graduating from Preschool to a local or international primary school. They will be given an opportunity to experience similar teaching styles. Their independence as well as social skills will be reinforced. This is necessary to ensure a smooth and successful transition to the primary school.